Virtual gifts as the next big thing
We have been gifting one another for millions of years, starting with stones, handmade jewelry, clothes and all the way to gift cards. The evolution of gifts is amazing and people from previous centuries would have a hard time believing that virtual gifts are already a thing.
We are not fortune tellers, but thinking about the future is both enjoyable and challenging, so we asked ourselves: What will gifts be like in 100 years?
With the exponential development of technology, we could expect gifts that at the moment seem to us not even possible. Small devices or chips could replace phones, computers and headphones. Maybe systems that will make our daily lives easier, holograms of people that we will be able to speak to.
Will we be able to give gifts from other planets? With attempts to explore space, it can quickly happen that those closest to us will bring us gifts from Mars, Venus, or some yet undiscovered planets.
Virtual gift cards seem to be the most accurate thing in the future. Maybe we will have a chip that would work as a gift card or a device that would also decipher the gift card code by scanning the face. Perhaps virtual gift cards could be delivered with VR videos, music, smell, or taste. It is difficult to predict what will happen in the future, but we can say with certainty that gifts will still be a part of our lives and culture.