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CLIP - Customer Loyalty Integration Process

If the loyalty program is the answer or the solution, what is the question or what is the problem?

Before starting to set up a loyalty program, you need to ask yourself, what does a loyalty program actually mean to you? Is this a customer card that allows for cheaper purchases in one way or another? Is it collecting points and rewarding customers for revisiting? Maybe regular, automatic communication via personalized emails and personalized offers?

All of these solutions fall under the umbrella of loyalty programs. You can opt for a single solution, a few of them, or take a holistic approach and tackle Customer Management and All Processes (CLIP), which lead to increased customer loyalty, greater brand awareness, increased traffic and consequently profits.

The basic idea of ​​any loyalty program is how to listen to customers and increase their life value (CLV) with the help of various software tools and soft grips. Taking this into consideration, all our smart solutions follow one goal. To be helpful and not an obstacle or a hassle in your everyday business activities.

Smart Questions

It is not only about the second visit.
The essence of customer loyalty management is in the relationship you establish with your customers.

The first step to implementing an integrated loyalty program strategy may be to promote sales by rewarding customers and collecting data on their preferences and activities. Cashback is a good way to easily reward any key purchase that is appropriate for your business. In addition to the “cashback” option, it is also possible to add funds to the customer’s prepaid amount. Both options are the first step to building a relationship with customers that allows you to collect data and adapt to the wishes and needs of your customers. The more data you have, the more you can adapt. We offer cash back programs and prepaid options with our SmartGifty solution for all sized companies in various industries. See more about gift card and loyalty cards here.  

In order for the first steps to show results, it is necessary to collect customer and purchases data from 1-2 years, depending on the industry, frequency of purchases, customer characteristics, offers and more. The next step is personalization. Personalization in communication, creating offers and targeting customers. Personalization can be combined with automation, which leads to increased efficiency, reduction of human errors, saving time and resources and it is a part of our Marketing Automation solution. Discover Marketing Automation tool with Mautic tool here

"If you don't understand people, you don't understand business."

- Simon Sinek

Analyze, Understand, Motivate & Satisfy


your customers are and how they behave in the sales process.


your customers want and what their purchasing preferences are.


is the most appropriate and reliable channel of communication for them.


you handle the information you receive from them (how you collect, store and use their information).


products and services are in line with their needs and specific value definitions today and in the future.


and at what stage of the sales
process are your customers ready to purchase.

Take advantage of software tools that enable recording, segmentation, personalization, and automation at various stages of the customer relationship. A more targeted communication means more opportunity to encourage repurchase, increase the value of the purchase, and establish an integrated loyalty program that brings value to you and your customers.

Potential business goals related to the loyalty program

  • Lay the foundations of a loyalty and reward program.
  • Increase the number of regular / loyal customers.
  • Increase the number of visits and the value of purchases.
  • Identify segments and communicate in a targeted way with different segment groups.
  • Introduce an effective customer management system.
  • Actively take care of greater customer satisfaction with a comprehensive service.
  • Strengthen competitive advantage.

CLIP is a strategy that includes a comprehensive set of solutions, services, research, consulting, mentoring, workshops, knowledge, techniques and tools for a highly professional understanding of your customers’ needs. The purpose of CLIP is to improve your relationship with customers at all stages of interaction and to achieve all the goals associated with the loyalty program. The complete CLIP solution helps guide the development of your products and services and is a process that we provide together with different partners from different fields.