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Digital Disruptor #4

The Path to a Successful Tourist Destination – Connection and Digitalization

And there it is, my first three-thousander. As I reached the summit, my first thought was, “Well done, me!” But in reality, the credit should go to my wife. She’s a mountain guide, the one who’s truly devoted to nature and the mountains. I jokingly call her the “young Pehta, but much prettier.” Don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved the mountains since I was a child. My grandfather was quite the mountaineer, originally from Radovljica. The Julian Alps were his daily routine, and this passion somehow passed on to me. I somewhat neglected it later in life, until my wife rekindled that love. I’m grateful to her for bringing me back to the embrace of the mountains.

For a while now, she’s been suggesting that we visit Austria together, where, she says, the mountains are stunning. I never denied it, but the right opportunity just hadn’t come up. That was until last weekend. The challenge was set – the first three-thousander, with good weather forecasted. Hmm, why not! I won’t bore you with details about the magnificent views, crystal-clear waters, and untouched waterfalls – maybe I’ll talk about that another time. But I will tell you, pictures are a mere shadow of what you can experience in real life.

What awaits you in the Digital Disruptor #4?

  •  The Path to a Successful Tourist Destination – Connection and Digitalization: Challenges of digitalization in certain business processes.
  • Do You Have a Lifeboat?
  • 5 Reasons Why Event Organization is a Powerful Marketing Strategy for Your Business: An Interview with Jaka Gornik (Confiva).
  • Would you like to make money while you sleep? SOS-SW Affiliate & Ambassador Program.
  • Digital Detox – How to Disconnect and Enjoy Summer?
  • Useful software tools for everyday use.

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