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Digital Disruptor #3

Why Should Companies Use the Quiet Months for Planning and Digital Transformation?

I am writing this article during my summer vacation, where the idea for this piece was born. 
Summer is a time when most of us take a longer break or at least an extended weekend. A study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies has shown that a vacation should last at least 8 to 14 days. For a complete disconnect, it is recommended to take even more time off. Personally, I think that after a prolonged vacation, it’s hard to get back into the previous work rhythm. This happened to me years ago in Thailand when I relaxed to the point that I had real trouble getting back to “work temperature.”

During rest, our health and well-being quickly improve. In the first part of the vacation, it is definitely difficult to immediately “turn off” the brain, at least for me. Many of us also use this time for strategic thinking and rough preparations for the fall when we are supposed to make plans for the next year. Due to school holidays, the summer vacation period is stretched over 2 months. This means that the pace in companies slows down, especially concerning various projects, plans, and their realization.

What awaits you in the Digital Disruptor #3?

  •  Why Should Companies Use the Quiet Months for Planning and Digital Transformation? Challenges of digitalization in certain business processes.
  • Customer Relations are Key to Success! The Success Story of the Čuk Restaurant and Café – Loyalty Program.
  • How to Stay Healthy on Vacation?
  • Entering a New Era: Freedom of Choice in Event Participation: An Interview with Jaka Gornik (Confiva).
  • Useful software tools for everyday use.

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